Our Music Format

At Hawkesbury Radio, we follow a Music Format along the lines of the old 2WS format. 

We have a Prime Time (Saleable Hours) 6am to 7pm. In this time frame we like to have a COMPLETE MUSIC MIX and that's where the 2WS format comes in.

The Music Mix is a little bit of 70s  80s 90s and today's. We do allow selected Specialist Music i.e. Country/Bluegrass/Blues etc. up to two to three tracks an hour. But it needs to be mixed in with our Music Format.

Between 7pm and 6am that's outside our Saleable Hours. Relax a little to provide a more Specialist Music type, but still try to follow an across the board listening style.

Time now is:

8:20pm, Monday, 10/March/2025

What's on today

  •    12:00am Overnight Rock
  •    6:00am Breakfast Radio
  •    9:00am Easy Does It
  •    12:00pm Listener's Choice
  •    4:00pm Drive Time
  •    7:00pm Early Evening
  •    10:00pm Psychedelic Sounds

Station Membership

Join your local station and join us in serving and informing our local community!     Download the Membership Application form,  print it out and after completing it as fully as you can, send it to us at 

Hawkesbury Radio,
11 Fitzgerald Street,
Windsor, NSW, 2756

Or alternatively drop it into the office at the above address.

Service information

We love meeting listeners - if you see our Outside Broadcast bus near you, come over and say g'day! Sadly because of the current social distancing, we can't get out and around as often as we'd like. We'll be back out and around the community again as soon as we can do so safely.

Why not call the studio and say g'day or make a request instead? Call (02) 45 899 899 or you can text a request on 0427 899 899

We don't currently have any Outside Broadcasts scheduled - why not have us broadcast from your function/promotion/event?

Find out more details at our community page >>>
